Early bird registration: Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival

Göttingen International

Ethnographic Film Festival

28.5. – 1.6.2014

Early bird registration till 30th of April

Register now and get 20 % reduction.
If you are a group of students, you can also register as group.

Please forward to interested persons.

The programme and further information are on the Internet


and also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GIEFF.Festival

The festival presents the most recent productions of ethnographic films and acts as a platform for a dialogue between anthropology and documentary filmmaking.

The Festival is a meeting point of young students of anthropology, sociology and media studies, who are interested in the use of film as research method, mode of publishing and communicating research results.

58 presentations are selected, 23 for the student film section, 32 for the main festival, and 3 multimedia projects. The productions are coming from 32 nationalities and represent people in 38 countries. Thematic themes are: Migration, disability and psychological problems, women’s perspectives, Eastern Europe, India, and Africa.

Most filmmakers will attend the festival.

The student film competition is one of the central events of the festival.

Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival e.V.


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